
Indefatigable – Old Boys Association 42nd Reunion 7th June 2025 & BOOKING FORM

The 42nd IOBA Reunion Dinner to be held on Saturday 7th June 2025, during the day at the old School (10:00 > 15:30), then assembling at Bangor University by 19:00 hrs in the ‘1884’ bar, for dinner at 20:00 hrs.
Dinner Venue : The Hugh Owen Room, Bangor University Event Management Centre, Collage Road, Bangor, Gwynedd. LL57 2DG

Reunion Dinner Ticket price : £58.50 (each).

Ticket price to include : THREE Course Dinner, with two bottles of wine selection per table, after dinner music entertainment, there will be a Quiet Room. One £5 glassware raffle ticket.

MENU Options: Please see within the BOOKING FORM.

BOOKING FORM LINK for JSMTC (Old School) Daytime visit & Evening Dinner Bookings for Saturday 7th June.

Payment Instructions are within the Booking Form, via BACS (bank transfer) or Cheque (postal address is included on the form), we regret not using Paypal due to additional costs.

The final cut off date for all bookings: Old School visit (JSMTC), AGM, Menu choice & Payments, Monday 26th May 2025.

Registered totals attending updated here date as of (School = TBC / Dinner = TBC).

Monies generated by the sale of all glassware raffle tickets (in addition to the raffle ticket included as part of the dinner booking) will go towards the new Indefatigable plaque at the National Memorial Arboretum.

Indefatigable Memorial Benches | Indefatigable OBA

IOBA Fund Raising raffle tickets are available now and on the day for: Indefatigable Glassware. There will be an Indefatigable Auction and a general Raffle Table.

2025 IOBA Reunion Special Order

Dress code : Smart (Black tie optional).

For those who wish to join the annual IOBAVibrant Shirt‘ night in aid of Prostate Cancer (2024 raised £TBC), this will also be held once again at Bangor University on the previous evening Friday 6th June, in the bar ‘1884’ with exclusive use for the evening.

The University ARE able to provide Freshly Hand Stretched 12.5″ PIZZA from their ‘Takeaway Menu’ available from 5:30pm to 9:00pm from Bar 1884, on the Friday evening. Evening Dinner catering will be down to the attendee/s to reserve their own in advance.


The email address that should be used for guests to book other food for the Friday night is:

It is the responsibility for members & guests to book their own accommodation and catering requirements on the Friday night.

Accommodation : The IOBA has blocked book rooms, *you now can book directly with Bangor University as of 28/12/2024 >


Single = £91 (tbc), Double with single occupancy = £101 (tbc), and double occupancy = £113 (tbc), Twin single occupancy = £121 (tbc), and double occupancy = £134 (tbc), all are B&B.

Please state when booking accommodation, if you require Breakfast or not.

If you would like to reserve a room, please contact the reception team directly and quote the group code = GAO2138 in order to book the rooms at the group rate, guests can either call on 01248365900 or send an email to

Unbooked rooms not reserved by IOBA attendees will be released back to the university having been block booked by the IOBA, these will be for Friday 6th June and Saturday 7th June evenings.

Wheel Chair users: Facilities are fully accessible for wheelchair users, please note that due to The Management Centre being a Grade II listed building, there is no lift access to the third floor bedrooms.

Parking : Parking is free on site and there is capacity for up to 100 cars.

2025 Reunion: Old School visit / 42nd AGM / Reunion Dinner ;

Friday NIGHT 6th June: Vibrant Shirt‘ night in aid of Prostate Cancer (2024 raised £), this will be held once again at Bangor University in the ‘1884 bar‘ with exclusive use for the evening.

Saturday DAY 7th June: Attendees arriving down at the Old School for 10:00 > 15:00, for those who wish to tour the old School & Sailing area, IOBA AGM 11:30>13:00 followed with Tea/Coffee, Off site by 15:30.

During the Saturday visit to the school there is now a NO ALCOHOL RULE;

The bar at JSMTC is no longer available on Base and therefore the Commanding Officer has asked that no alcohol is bought onto the site or sold. This is due to families and students being on site over the weekend.

Although this will be disappointing for some, we need to honour and respect this request as their guests.

Saturday NIGHT 7th June: Meet for drinks by 19:00 in the ‘1884 Bar‘, Dinner for 20:00. Bangor University.


© 2025

IOBA Committee Elections 2025 – 2028.

IOBA Committee Elections 2025 – 2028.

Being part of the Indefatigable Old Boys Association Committee is a great way to get more involved by keeping our HERITAGE alive, helping shape the direction of the IOBA and contribute to improving the association for others, so please seriously consider this.

In accordance with the IOBA Constitution the following Committee roles are up for re-election at the 2025 Annual General Meeting, date confirmed as Saturday the 7th June 2025. The roles are voluntary, open to full members of the IOBA and held for 3 years (2025-2028).

The FIVE roles are as follows;

The Chairman.

The Newsletter Editor & Assistant.

The Social Secretary & Assistant.

If you are interested in any of the roles and want to know more about the responsibilities then please speak to the current incumbents or the Chairman.

Contact details for the IOBA Committee can be found on our web page

If you wish to put your name forward for any of the 5 roles then please send your full name, Inde number and years attended and which position you are interested in, to IOBA General Secretary at


If you are not currently a member of the IOBA are thinking of joining then please visit our web site which has details of how to subscribe. The 2024 AGM reinstated the annual fee for membership which is just £15 per year (£10 OAP +65yrs), this goes towards the running of the IOBA which includes helping ex Inde boys, holding an annual reunion at JSMTC Indefatigable (old School) and various charity work. IOBA MEMBERSHIPS are requested JANUARY to JANUARY.


IOBA President & Committee terms (in order of change date);

2019 – 2025   Chairman: Andrew Butler 77/78.

2022 – 2025   Newsletter Editor: Owen Sutton 91/95.

2022 – 2025   Social Secretary & Assistant: Richard Lawson 85/88 & Elaine Humphries.

2023 – 2026   Treasurer & Membership Secretary: George Brown 91/94.

2023 – 2026  General Secretary: Joss Barns 91/95.

2024 – 2027   Vice Chairman: Wayne Houston 89/92.

2017 – 2027   Merchandise: Deborah & Ian Parr 74/75.

No Date  Honorary President: Sir Michael Bibby, Bt (M.D. Bibby Line Group).

No Date – Web Master : Owen Sutton 91/95.

No Date – The Robert Griffin Representative: Andrew Butler 77/78. (Chairman’s role).

No Date – Northern Regions Standard Bearer: Marc Hardman 1961.

No Date – Northern Regions Standard Bearer: John Aspinall 59/60.

No Date – Southern Regions Standard Bearer: George Brown 91/94.

No Date – SCC Award & Archives Secretary (records & assets): Steve Humphries 75/76.

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© 2024

2025 41st AGM Question invite.

All IOBA members are invited to submit questions for the 41st AGM in advance of 07/06/25, this is also to cover non attendees.

Please email AGM questions to <>

Joss Barns : IOBA General Secretary

IOBA Committee | Indefatigable OBA (



The IOBA can help our less fortunate members, so that they are able to attend future Reunions!!

In memory of, the above assistance is known as ‘The Indefatigable Robert Griffin Award’.

As some people will remember, Robert Griffin 1974/76 was an inspirational Petty Officer & Drum Major, let’s pause and think about a great guy who gave his life for the defense of his country, the best spirit of the Indefatigable, RIP school friend and Brave Royal Marine.

Robert sadly lost his life during the closing days of the Falklands War in 1982 (age 22).

Foxtrot 4 – The Forgotten Falklands Wreck

THE AWARD FOR 2025 is now open for applications

Guide on the parameters and criteria to be applied for 2025;

Applicant to be decided by the serving IOBA committee.

Maximum Award to be £300. Nominees will be asked to submit an approximate overall costing to justify.

To include; UK Travel expenses / Accommodation / Reunion Dinner & Bar.

The Committee have set the following guidelines;
1) £300 max.
2) Must be a fully paid up member of the IOBA.
3) Not previously been to an AGM under the terms of this proposal.
4) Committee to decide on the IOBA Member to attend (along with a second choice in case the offer is declined).
5) Less Fortunate Members Representative to coordinate.

The IOBA can help members, but I must stress at this point, your ‘application will be decided by the serving IOBA committee’.

If you would like to take up the offer, please write/email to:


Andrew Butler 1977-78 / Chairman.

Mob: 07783596046


If you would like to make a donation, large or small, to the IOBA, you can do so via PayPal below… , thank you.

Link:  Donate to the IOBA

© 2024

T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow SCC Photo Diary

T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness, SCC Photo Diary 11-June-2024

Indefatigable Old Boys, attend the following event and ceremony.


T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness SCC SEA CADET CORPS – Win the 15th Indefatigable Trophy.

It gives us the greatest pleasure to congratulate ‘T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness SCC’ on being awarded the Indefatigable Cup for 2023 (awarded 2024).

Tuesday 11th June 2024: On Tuesday evening the TS Indefatigable Cup was presented to Barrow Sea Cadets for being the most improved Sea Cadet Unit from over 420 Sea Cadet Units nationwide in 2023!

The evening was attended by: The Mayor of Barrow, The Indefatigable Old Boys’ Association, C/O HMS Agamemnon Cdr Bring Crosby and many more from across the Barrow Community to mark the presentation of the TS Indefatigable Cup.

IOBA Secretary Joss Barns 1991-95 made a very special presentation to Commanding Officer of ‘T.S. SOVEREIGN the ‘Indefatigable Cup‘, known once as the ‘Merseyside Navy League – Swimming Gala Trophy’, and a monetary award on behalf of the IOBA.

Link: TO PRESENTATION Speech to follow

Other IOBA attendees: Tony Eastham 1975-76

Here is a selection of photos from the evening;

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

© 2024

‘You wouldn’d last a month without Seafarers’

‘You wouldn’t last a month without Seafarers’

By The late Reverend Canon Bob Evans;

RIP 3rd January 2024 age 99


Well-known to tens of thousands of Liverpool Seafarers over a period of almost fifty-five years, Canon Bob Evans is the most iconic figure in the Liverpool Shipping commiunity and INDE OLD BOYS!

Here’s the first part of our interview with Bob;

Part One:

Here’s the second part of our interview with Bob;

Part Two

Here’s the third and final part of our interview with Cannon Bob Evans;

Part Three:

The Indefatigable BOOK by : The Reverend Canon Bob Evans, The Story of Indefatigable 1864-1995

Inde Book by Bob Evans 2005

On sale via the IOBA below

Indefatigable old boys association merchandise and engravings by Rolldove studio

TS. Blackcap SCC 2013. IOBA Award 2012 (6)

TS. Blackcap SCC 2013. IOBA Award 2012 (4)

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA):  Archives Secretary

IOBA 2023 Reunion Photos

© 2023

Join the IOBA

It is a sad fact that since its closure in 1995 the Indefatigable as we know it is no more. However, you can help keep the memories and all that the school stood for alive by joining the Indefatigable Old Boys Association.

Membership stands at a tiny percentage of the number of boys who benefited from her. So please get involved and join up.

As of the 2022 IOBA AGM

IOBA Membership
At the 2022 AGM, members voted to remove the IOBA membership
fee of £15 per annum. You can, therefore, now become a member of the
association for free.

We do, however, recognise that many new and existing members may still
wish to make an annual donation to the association. Should you wish to do
so, please use the form and tick options 2 or 3.

You can also download a copy of this form below from our website:

IOBA Membership Form 2023

Paypal Logo

(Click to Pay by PayPal)

To join, simply click on the form below, print it out, fill in your details and send it to our Membership Secretary ; 

George Brown <> all the details are on the form.

IOBA Membership Form 2023


You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine to view the form. It can be downloaded free from here:

Adobe Reader link

If you have any questions about the IOBA, or how to join, please contact our Membership Secretary, George Brown 91/94

The objects of the Association:

  • To keep Old Boys in touch with one another.
  • To bring members together from time to time for a reunion celebration.
  • To encourage members and all Old Boys to keep alive the INDEFATIGABLE tradition by whatsoever means the Committee might think appropriate. 2024

IOBA 2022 Newsletter

The 2022 IOBA Newsletter has now been made available for all HERE.

Due to printing and postage costs, the 2022 Newsletter will be printed as small numbers only.

Members who would like a hard copy of the newsletter, are to be purchased, rather than sent out to all members. If you wish for a hard copy please contact Owen Sutton 91/94 (IOBA Newsletter Editor).

Please find below the LINK in PDF

IOBA 2022 Newsletter please click on this LINK to download to your;

Smart Phone/PC/Laptop :

© 2023

IOBA 2021 Newsletter

The 2021 IOBA Newsletter has now been made available for all, after MEMBERS have received their hard-copy in 2022.

Please find below the LINK in PDF

IOBA 2021 Newsletter please click on this LINK to download to your;

Smart Phone/PC/Laptop :

© 2023

Falklands 40 Commemorative Service 25th May 2022

On May 25th at the Merchant Navy Memorial – Liverpool you and members of the IOBA are invited to gather at approx 09:15 along with Veterans and Dignitary’s who will be holding a service for the 40th Commemoration of the Falklands War and in particular the sinking of the Atlantic Conveyor

Organiser’s are hoping to have a back drop of an ACL vessel, and then following on from the service at the MN Memorial over to St Nicholas Church for a 11:00 (10:30) Service.

Falklands War 40th Anniversary remembering those Indefatigable boys who bravely gave their lives ;

John David Stroud. Hood 1977-78  Sadly lost his life onboard HMS Glamorgan June 1982 Falkland Islands, the ship was hit by an Argentinean Exocet missile.

Robert Griffin. Rodney 1974-76  Marine R.D. Griffin: Robert sadly lost his life during the closing days of the Falklands War in 1982 (age 22).

Foxtrot 4 – The Forgotten Falklands Wreck

For full delails, please click on the link below

Indefatigable tribute to Prince Philip, 1921-2021

HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh KG KT OM GBE

Principal Patron 1964 of the INDEFATIGABLE AND NATIONAL SEA TRAINING SCHOOL.,_Duke_of_Edinburgh

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2021

Indefatigable Memorial Benches

OLD Indefatigable Memorial Bench at the National Memorial Arboretum (Alrewas, Staffordshire)

In 2019 the IOBA removed the old Indefatigable bench from the National Memorial Arboretum Alrewas, and placed it in the Memorial Garden at JSMTC Indefatigable (the Old School).

Names of those ‘connected to the Indefatigable Ships and School’ (who have passed away), may now have their names attached to the old bench (as on 2” brass plaques). Names so far included are, LT COL Simon Hall OBE, Spencer Bell 1958 (past IOBA Chairman) and now Mac McNeill 1941/42.  

It has been agreed to include named plaques of past ‘Indefatigable Connected’ Old Boys & Staff at the following cost of £40:00 each, paid by the requester, to be coordinated through the IOBA Committee. <>  

If you would you like to purchase a named brass plaque please contact us <>, once payment has been cleared, we will ensure named plaques will be attached to the Indefatigable Memorial Bench at JSMTC Indefatigable by the following IOBA Reunion.  

NEW Indefatigable Memorial Bench at the National Memorial Arboretum (Alrewas, Staffordshire)

NEW Indefatigable Memorial Bench at the National Memorial Arboretum (Alrewas, Staffordshire)

NEW Indefatigable Memorial Bench at the National Memorial Arboretum (Alrewas, Staffordshire)

NEW Indefatigable Memorial Bench at the National Memorial Arboretum (Alrewas, Staffordshire)


The replacement Indefatigable bench has been placed in the Navy Review area at the National Memorial Arboretum.   Mapped location: Please note the bench’s mapped location is not at any of the NMA kiosks in the remembrance centre at this time (Jan 2020). So to find the Indefatigable Bench, please ensure you have a copy of this map (attached) and or bench reference B343. B343 is the bench behind the Indefatigable, B343 has been here for a while so will be on the kiosk maps.   

The National Memorial Arboretum is an evolving, maturing woodland landscape featuring 30,000 trees and a vast collection of memorials. The 150-acre site is a living, growing tribute to those who have served and continue to serve our country.  

Other than the Indefatigable Memorial Bench, we have another memorial called the TS Indefatigable Memorial. The NMA team of volunteers are always happy to help visitors locate memorials and individual dedications in their grounds. You can also use the computer terminals in the Remembrance Centre to search for individual dedications and their locations.  Memorial listing R-Z: TS Indefatigable Memorial <>  

Dedication Ceremony 26th April 2001 took place at the National Memorial Arboretum: In memory of the ships and men of the Merchant Service who were lost in the Second World War, the National Memorial Arboretum was established near the village of Alrewas in Shropshire and was dedicated in October of 1998.  The Arboretum takes the form of 2,536 trees representing all British merchant ships and fishing vessels known to be lost in World War 11.  Certain shipping companies have adopted specific avenues of trees, each one of which is marked with the name of a ship lost.  In addition there are a variety of specific plaques, benches and other forms of memorial.

Steve Paris 76/78 standing next to the Indefatigable tree, of 2,536 trees representing all British merchant ships and fishing vessels known to be lost in World War Two 2004
The Indefatigable tree, of 2,536 trees representing all British merchant ships and fishing vessels known to be lost in World War Two 2019

The purpose of that dedication service was to dedicate plaques and avenues of trees for six shipping companies, Union Castle Mail SS Co., Clan Line Steamers, Scottish Shire Line, Houston Line, Bullard King & Co. and King Line, and plaques in memory of former cadets and staff of five training establishments, H.M.S.Conway, H.M.S.Worcester, the Nautical CollegePangbourne, S.A.T.S.General Botha, T.S.Indefatigable and T.S.Mercury.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

© 2021

Facebook Page: OFFICIAL IOBA

This is the Official Facebook page for the Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA). It has been designed to complement the IOBA Web site: The aim is to focus on the workings of the IOBA and its core values as stated in the Constitution.

Group Rules:

1. Who can join? – IOBA members, Inde Boys, Inde Teachers and families.

2. New members will have to request to join the group – Admin has final say.

3. The group is for advertising information e.g. events, news etc regarding the IOBA.

4. The site is not for general chat, banter or complaints about the school, association or its past staff and pupils.

5. All members may request to post information but will be vetted by admin prior to posting.

6. Inappropriate language or persecution towards any member will not be tolerated and the member may be removed.

7. Any issues need to be reported to admin.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

© 2021

MERCHANT NAVY DAY – Liverpool: 6th Sept 2020.

Footage from the ceremony on Sunday at St Nicholas Church in Liverpool.

Our thanks go to all Indefatigable members attending on behalf of the IOBA on the day, ‘Marc Hardman 1961’ and ‘Malcolm Williams 75/76’ for their Standard Bearer duties, ‘Russell Jones 55/56’ and not least, ‘Angie Williams’ who laid the wreath on behalf of the IOBA.

A great effort by all, considering the circumstances being the COVID19 year!

Copyright Tim Brunsden


A special service took place in Liverpool to mark Merchant Navy Day with a wreath-laying ceremony, where Indefatigable Old Boys were in attendance.

The annual event raises awareness of past, present and future Merchant Navy seafarers and also remembers the 36,000 men who died at sea during World War Two.

The public service took place in the grounds of Liverpool Parish Church in the City Centre at midday.

There was also a focus on seafarers role during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In attendance, John Wilson, CEO of the Liverpool Seafarers’ Centre, spoke to the congregation about life onboard for mariners who have kept cargo moving in and out of the Port of Liverpool.

Civic dignitaries from across the City region, included the Lord Mayor of Liverpool Councillor Anna Rothery, along with current and retired seafarers (including IOBA members), as well as others who represent the work of the Merchant Navy today.

The Rector of Liverpool, the Reverend Canon Dr Crispin Pailing, who lead the service, said: “The last few months have been challenging for everyone, but essential supplies and much of the food in our shops, are there thanks to the work of the Merchant Navy.”

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

IOBA 2019 Newsletter

IOBA 2019 Newsletter Cover

The 2019 IOBA Newsletter has now been made available for all, after MEMBERS have received their hard-copy earlier this year 2020.

Please find below the LINK in PDF. This is as close to the printed hard-copy down sized to 2.42 MB.

IOBA 2019 Newsletter please click on this LINK to download to your;

Smart Phone/PC/Laptop :

It’s a sad fact that since its closure in 1995 the Indefatigable as we know it is no more. However, you can help keep the memories and all that the school stood for alive by joining the Indefatigable Old Boys Association.

To Join the Indefatigable Association or Update your Membership Subscription;

To pay your membership subscription, please click on this LINK :

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

Indefatigable Liverbird 2020 Poster or Tattoo!

Following on from the last Post: The Indefatigable OBA Newsletter No1 Front Cover of the ‘Indefatigable Liverbird’ drawn in 1983, I felt that the IOBA for the 2020 COVID-19 reunion absence, would do something different!

My son Nick has drawn for you an updated version in Pointillism of the 1983 Indefatigable Liverbird, with the idea to either print to A3 size, or even as a tattoo!

The image below is in low resolution 335 KB but can be acquired in high resolution 10.1 MB from the IOBA Shop for a small donation of £5.00 which will go towards the 2020 MSSC Award (Awarded in 2021). I hope you like it.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

IOBA Newsletter No1 – Front Cover Autumn 1983

Indefatigable OBA Newsletter No1 Front Cover Autumn 1983

Newsletter Editor Mr. P.J. Purser

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

Training Ships on the Mersey

The Akbar and The Clarence were both reformatory ships for boys who had been in trouble with the law. HMS Conway trained boys from better off backgrounds to be officers in the Merchant Navy whilst the Training Ship Indefatigable was for poor and orphaned boys whose fathers were seamen. These ships made a valuable contribution to the life of the port of Liverpool. They helped boys from difficult social backgrounds to gain the skills necessary for a life at sea. The schools closed as demand for merchant seamen declined after the Second World War.

Two schools were established in Liverpool, HMS Conway, to prepare boys to go to sea as apprentice officers, and TS Indefatigable to prepare boys for life at sea as a member of the deck crew.

In 1863 captain John Clint, a Liverpool shipowner, proposed the idea that a sea training school should be established for the orphans and sons of Liverpool seamen. Clint had helped found the Liverpool Shipowners’ Association in 1839, the Pilots’ Commission, the Dock and Harbour Company, the Liverpool Sailors’ Home, the Northern Hospital, but most importantly Clint had been the prime mover in establishing HMS Conway and the Akbar, a reformatory school for boys.

In 1864 the Admiralty agreed to loan HMS Indefatigable, a fifty–gun sailing ship frigate, launched in 1848, and retired from active service in 1857 to the Indefatigable committee. Mr. James Bibby contributed £5,000 to convert HMS Indefatigable into a training ship, and this became the beginning of a long relationship between the Bibby family and TS Indefatigable, which continues today with Sir Michael Bibby as President of the Indefatigable Old Boys Association. The Indefatigable was moored off Rock Ferry on the River Mersey alongside HMS Conway, Akbar and Clarence, both reformatory ships. The first boys to join the Indefatigable did so on the 28th August 1865.

The original Indefatigable remained off Rock Ferry until 1912 when it was deemed unfit for use. In 1913, the Admiralty agreed to sell HMS Phaeton to the Indefatigable committee for £15,000. Mr. Frank Bibby gave the Indefatigable committee the money to buy the Phaeton and re-fit her as a training ship. The Phaeton was renamed the Indefatigable and moored off Rock Ferry on January 15, 1914, at which time the figurehead of William IV was transferred from the old Indefatigable to the new Indefatigable.
From quarantine to borstal, ships in the Mersey hide stories of misery, sickness and brutality

In the 1830s the Akbar (right) was moored off Rock Ferry as a quarantine ship for cases of bubonic plague, cholera, typhus and smallpox.

In 1856 it became a floating borstal for Protestant boys aged 11-15 (the Clarence became a Catholic borstal a few years later). The Recorder of Liverpool reported in 1866, “The two Reformatory ships have succeeded to a very large extent in clearing the town of juvenile crime”.
Conditions on these ships were extreme. In winter the boys suffered from chilblains, tuberculosis, pneumonia and asthma.

Horrendous accidents have been described in the old Minute Books of the Akbar: One boy “while employed in blacking a portion of the rigging was accidentally jerked off and thrown down from a height of 16 feet on to the deck, dying three hours later…” Another “fell from the main top deck and received concussion and partial jaw fracture, was recovering ..” Yet another “while manning the working boat, slipped and was crushed between the boat and the ship side. His body was washed up on shore …”

Physical punishment included birching and caning. In August 1872, one lad was so worried about this that one night he clambered down to the bottom of the accommodation ladder to wash out his blanket before official inspection. He overbalanced and fell into the Mersey. His body was never found.

The Akbar moved to land and became Heswall Reformatory School on 2 December 1907. But the ill treatment continued. John Bull magazine exposed this in 1910 with the headline: “Reformatory School Horrors – How Boys at the “Akbar” School are Tortured – Several Deaths”. Winston Churchill assured Parliament that there was “no proof whatever” they were being mistreated. Nevertheless he set up an investigation into the incidents.

Boys had been gagged before birching, sick boys caned for malingering. No less than 27 had permanent scars from beatings. Others had been made to stand all night as a collective punishment. There had been four deaths in 1909: a boy called Brooks, who was going to be caned on the day he died, even though he was ill. Brown was drenched with water and died twenty minutes later. Mills just collapsed and died. Yeadon was, “a weakly boy – probably a boy of degenerate type, utterly unfit for sea-life or ordinary industrial training.”

Despite all the criticisms the inquiry did not recommend any changes, although the Chief Officer resigned. John Bull reported reprisals against boys who had given evidence.
1.Between 1824 and 1863 there were at least ten quarantine hulks moored off Rock Ferry – at one stage six were there simultaneously.
2.There were actually four ships off Rock Ferry. The other two were The Conway (1859) used for the training of officers in the Merchant Navy, and The Indefatigable (1865), a school for destitute and orphan boys from Liverpool.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

Aboard Indefatigable 1927

Courtesy of: Geoff Stephens is at River Mersey.

Indefatigable (ex Phaeton) Cadets awaiting onboard for the inspection by Admiral Sir Lewis Clinton-Baker 1927

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

Aboard the Indefatigable 1883

All credits go to the Together Trust so that readers may approach the Trust with any enquiries about their other collections.

Aboard the Indefatigable, 1883   This was a training ship for ‘destitute lads of good character’. Boys would sign up for a three-year course to learn to be a seaman. The Christian Worker edition of 1887 gives a detailed account of a typical day aboard the ship, which would have been experienced by the boys on board:   The boys are divided into two watches, the port and the starboard. From 9am to 12 noon one set are engaged in ordinary school duties, going through a systematic course of reading, spelling, writing, geography, arithmetic, dictation and scripture. The other set are meanwhile pursuing a course of technical instruction at the opposite side of main deck.   The second set of lads are engaged in making clothes, learning to knot and splice, to make hammocks and mats and, when weather permits, are initiated into the practice of a sailor’s life. In the summer, they are accustomed to going aloft, to setting and reefing sails, sending up and down masts and yards, and generally, are taught as much practical navigation as can be imparted upon a training-ship in berth.   The ship was supported by voluntary contributions and was under the joint management at the time of Charles Bushell and Thomas Henry Ismay. Thomas was the Father of Joseph Bruce Ismay, the notorious managing director of the Titanic when the ship sunk in 1912. He had founded the White Star Line but also gave generously to many seafaring charities.   Training ships were not for the faint hearted, life on board could be extremely tough. As well as teaching the usual subjects like reading and arithmetic (education was compulsory after the Elementary Education Act 1880), the boys also learnt about practical seamanship, such as navigation, use of the compass and reefing and furling sails. They slept on board in hammocks, cleaned the ship themselves and washed and mended their own clothes.

Although the Refuge was sending boys to the Indefatigable as early as 1872, other ships were also used by the Committee to train the boys for a life at sea. One of these was the HMS Warspite, which was anchored off Woolwich, Kent. The Warspite had accommodation for 500 boys on board. A yacht was attached to the ship, and a shore establishment included swimming baths, hospital, laundry and storehouses.   However Birkenhead wasn’t the only destination for those with sea legs. In the early days many lads were also sent south to Woolwich to be taken aboard the Warspite. This ship had been owned by the Marine Society since 1862 and trained up to 200 lads for a life at sea.

Thomas, a Refuge boy who ended up on the charity’s training ship, the Indefatigable.   So why when the Refuge had so many homes of their own did they turn to the Indefatigable? Lets take the case of little Tommy as an example. At the age of 12 he appeared at the Refuge, a ragged waif, drifting towards a life of uselessness and crime. He was sent across to the Indefatigable and whilst there received the Silver Medal of the Liverpool Humane Society for “gallantly jumping into the river and rescuing a shipmate who had fallen from the fore chains, and was rendered insensible by striking against the anchor in his descent.” He went from a nobody to a hero – a sturdy lad in England’s first line of defence. The training ship provided a skill and a better life – that’s why   Thomas first came to the attention of the Manchester and Salford Refuge in 1896 when he turned up at midnight at the open-all-night shelter on Chatham Street, accompanied by a policeman. At the tender age of 12 years he had been sleeping on the streets of Manchester as he had nowhere else to go.   Whilst resident at the shelter his circumstances were investigated by the Committee.      

“I have made enquiries and find the boy has slept out on several occasions, that his mother is a very violent woman. All the children have been driven from home by the disreputable mother. Two sisters confirm this and say they would be thankful if anything could be done for Tom.”  

Tom was quickly admitted and transferred across to the Central Refuge on Francis Street. Here he mixed with older boys, continuing his education. On 3rd May 1897, he was admitted to the Indefatigable training ship as a cadet, which was moored in Birkenhead. The ship trained those disposed for a sea life and after two years training Tom sailed for South America in May 1899 on board the Oravia.       

“At a meeting of the Committee of the above at the Underwriter’s Room, April 27 1899, it was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented with a silver medal and 5/- to Thomas …… for gallantly jumping into the river from the training ship Indefatigable on April 20 1899, and rescuing a ship mate who had fallen from the forechains and was rendered insensible by striking against the anchor in his descent’”.  

Thomas eventually became a US citizen, married and moved to Baltimore.

Not bad for a boy from the Manchester streets.

All credits go to the Together Trust so that readers may approach the Trust with any enquiries about their other collections.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

New image come to light: Indefatigable 1936

Courtesy of: Geoff Stephens is at River Mersey.

This picture was published in May 1936 in the Daily Post.  The caption reads ‘The racing crews of the Mersey Schoolship Conway in training for the forthcoming race to be held on the Mersey against boys of H.M.S. Worcester passing the training ship Indefatigible during practice yesterday.’ The photographer is unknown.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

Important News About the IOBA Reunion 2020

Important News About the IOBA Reunion 2020: It is with deep regret and disappointment that we must announce the cancellation of the 37th Annual Indefatigable Old Boys Association Reunion and Annual General Meeting, which was due to take place Friday 4th June through to Sunday 6th 2020. 

The challenging and unprecedented environment presented by COVID-19 and the recent government measures announced on Friday 20th March 2020 made this the only viable option.

This decision has not been taken lightly as a significant amount of work has been carried out by the Committee to date.  The situation which appears to be worsening on a daily basis and the implications of which are becoming more profound, has led us to conclude that the most prudent course of action is to cease any further planning to deliver this significant event. 

The Committee has agreed to return to Anglesey and the 37th Annual Indefatigable Old Boys Association will now take place on Friday 4th & Saturday 5th June 2021.  The proposed re-election of the following roles; Vice Chairman, Secretary and Merchandise will also be delayed and reopened next year.

The Committee would like to send their sincere apologies to all those who had already booked and paid and those planning to attend the reunion.

REFUNDS – If you have purchased Lunch & or Dinner tickets for the 2020 IOBA Reunion we are currently putting in place the process to claim a full refund or transfer your booking to 2021 reunion. Please be assured we will be in touch with regard to this so there is no need to contact us.

Deo adjuvante, we have agreed to return to Anglesey on Saturday 24th July 2021.

Take care and best wishes,
IOBA Committee.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

2019 IOBA Newsletter update

EDITOR’S NOTE: The 2019 Newsletter went to the printers this morning (23/March/2020), so if all goes well I’ll be posting the newsletters out by the weekend, including a flyer and the membership cards, therefore should be with you all w/c 30th March.  

Firstly, I’d like to say that I hope you are all keeping well and safe through what will be a difficult period for all of us. The situation we find ourselves in is constantly changing, and the impact of the pandemic is being felt in almost every aspect of our lives.  

Like many articles in this newsletter, was written long before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. This edition was always going to be delivered later than normal due to family commitments away from home (i.e. I was in France for two months!!) but events have delayed publication far more than was ever envisioned.  

Lock-down is going to be tough for some but we were in effect on lock-down during our time at the old school so it’s nothing new! Plans are already being made for the reunion in 2021, and if the situation improves we may hold an impromptu get-together later this year. And if you are stuck for something to do you could always write a piece for the next newsletter!

The full Newsletter edition will be uploaded here (June 2020), once the hard copy has been received by all subscribed members of the IOBA.  

All the best, Tony Eastham: IOBA Newsletter Editor.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

Indefatigable Memorial Window

The Indefatigable Memorial Window now acrylic on canvas!

On behalf of all of us here, we would like to thank both Diane and Mike Rotherforth 60/61 for the time, inspiration & dedication to produce such a fine piece of art for us.

Both Diane & Mike have asked that the acrylic is auctioned at the 2020 IOBA Reunion (6th June), so to raise funds to be put to good use on behalf of the greater community we swerve to support. We trust it finds a new home where the memory will live on.

The acrylic painting’s dimensions are: approx 58cm (23″) x 40cm (16″).

Memorial Window above now as acrylic 2020

Indefatigable Memorial Window as in St Mary’s Church today.

The ‘Indefatigable Memorial Window’ is a more modern stained glass window in the North Wall of the Nave, which commemorates the work of the Indefatigable Nautical Training School which was located nearby from 1864 until its closure in 1995.  

St Mary’s Church, Llanfairpwllgwyngyll ;

The village of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll is named after St Mary’s Church. The long form of this name, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, was first adopted in the 19th century as a promotional device. In English, the first and older element of the name means “The Church of St Mary at Pwllgwyngyll [the white hazel pool]”.  The second part translates as “near the rapid whirlpool, near St Tysilio’s red cave”, Llandysilio being the name of another local parish.,_Llanfairpwllgwyngyll

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020

Indefatigable OBA: Flim 15th June 1990 12mins

Film courtesy from the late Gary Gray 1965/66

This Sea School was still training at this time up until 1995.


Indefatigable OBA: Flim 15th June 1990 12mins

Click on the start button below;

© GG 06/2017 (Gary Gray 1965/66 – RIP – 27/Aug/2018)

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA): Vice Chairman & Archives Secretary

© 2020

Indefatigable fibreglass LIFEBOAT: Photo Diary

Indefatigable fibreglass LIFEBOAT: Photo Diary

May 2017 – the old fibreglass Indefatigable Lifeboat was found on Anglesey by Indefatigable Old Boy ‘Phillip Masterson 90/93 (P.O. of Hood division)’, on which he became the owner of.

She’s in a bad way but everything is repairable.

July 2018 – with Phil losing his workshop and base by the end of August, A NEW OWNER HAS TO BE FOUND, this has to include storage for the boat.  Phil doesn’t want anything for the boat and said he’s willing to help the new owner with repairs if kept locally to Anglesey. There’s no trailer with it, but Phil is willing to lend one if that helps.

IOBA STATEMENT 2018 – from a historical point-of-view, it’s full of memories and dare we say that’s all.  From an association (IOBA) point of view, we can’t commit to full ownership as this requires a lot of TLC and a permanent base for storage, but I’m sure with ‘membership agreement’ the IOBA will be willing to part sponsor.

April 2019the IOBA asked JSMTC about storage of the Lifeboat down at the old boathouse area, but the Nuffield Trust regret that they didn’t have the space for storage or referbishment of the Lifeboat (Nuffield are the owners of the Sailing Area not JSMTC).

February 2020 – Inde Lifeboat. (Someone needs to take charge of it).

Indefatigable Old Boy Glen Cricket 84/85 – ‘After taking on the responsibility of our old school lifeboat, it was my plan to eventually transport it to my home in Portugal and restore it.

After the field it was being stored in on Anglesey is due to be developed, I needed to act quickly. So I organised an international trailer to pick it up to transport it to Portugal at a cost of 2100 GBP.
It was then discovered, a different kind of trailer was needed as rules on wide loads are different in Continental Europe. It would have needed a more expensive trailer plus a “wide load” convoy car to accompany the transport all the way to Portugal.
I now need someone to take on ownership and safekeeping of the boat as soon as possible. The boat is currently stored on Anglesey, not far from the old school.
If nobody can help take it away, the boat will sadly become property of the owner of the field. (who will likely just bulldoze it and bury it).
Dimensions: L 24.4ft x W 8.10ft x D 5ft and the weight is around 1.5 Ton. it is GRP.’

Please contact (Facebook link): Glen Cricket

IOBA 2019 Reunion Photos

IOBA 2019 Reunion Photos (Some not all – Courtesy of FaceBook)

Over One Hundred Years of Service 1864>1964

Official ‘Indefatigable QR Code’

Official ‘Indefatigable QR Code’

Please find the Indefatigable website <> ‘QR Code’ for Smart Camera SCAN, that will always lead you / whoever to our Website!

On request, we have in PDF for use on marketing materials and for making ‘others’ aware of, AND FOR STICKING wherever!

QR Codes encode the data directly into the code, just like a barcode. The Static QR Code will continue to work as long as we wish>

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

© 2020

HMS Phaeton before being decommissioned in 1914> Indefatigable Sea School until 1941

Indefatigable 38th Annual Report Cover 1902

IOBA 2018 Newsletter

IOBA 2018 Newsletter Cover

The 2018 IOBA Newsletter has now been made available for all, after MEMBERS have received their hard-copy.

Please find below the LINK in PDF. This is as close to the printed hard-copy down sized to 939 KB.

IOBA 2018 Newsletter please click on this LINK to download to your;

Smart Phone/PC/Laptop :

It’s a sad fact that since its closure in 1995 the Indefatigable as we know it is no more. However, you can help keep the memories and all that the school stood for alive by joining the Indefatigable Old Boys Association.

Membership stands at 257 (Dec 2018), a tiny percentage of the number of boys who benefited from her. So please get involved and join up.

257 (+7 on same time last year) Members @ 31st December 2018

179 (+2) Paying members (68%)

53 Life Members (21%)

25 (-1) Honorary Members (10%)

27 (-2) Overseas Members 12% (out of UK)

6 Members joined last year

To pay your membership subscription, please click on this LINK :

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)© 2019/20

Indefatigable (IOBA) Poppy Badge.

Remembrance Sunday November 10th 2019

Have you got got your IOBA Poppy Badge ready for this year.

Link : Indefatigable (IOBA) Poppy Badge

£11.50 (includes 50% donation to the Royal British Legion – RBL).

The cost of £11.50 includes UK postage. We are happy to post worldwide at £3.80 (Jan 2018).

50% donation (NOT LESS THAN £5.00 per badge sold) goes to the Royal British Legion (RBL) and is not diluted by any third party deductions.

Badges are made to a high specification from metal and enamels giving them a high deep red gloss finish. The green leaf points to 11am. They are approximately 40mm in overall size with the red poppy petal being about the same size as a 50 pence piece, the same size as the paper poppy. They have a brooch style safety fastening with the IOBA website address on the reverse.

They are not meant to take away the purpose of buying the paper poppy in November but being enamel they can be worn all year round as Remembrance is 24/7, 365, not just for one week of the year. The badge is in 3D relief so it sits proud of the poppy.

The Royal British Legion provides practical help, advice and support to the Armed Forces community all year round. We help serving members of the Armed Forces, ex-Service men and women, their carers and families.


Click: Training Ship Indefatigable online shop

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

© 2019/20


MERCHANT NAVY DAY – LIVERPOOL: Sunday September 1st 2019.

IOBA at MN Day Sept 4th 2016 (1)Merchant Navy Memorial Day in Liverpool: 1st September 2019.

The Merchant Navy Day Committee is pleased to invite you to this year’s ceremony in the Liverpool Parish Church of Our Lady and Saint Nicholas, Chapel Street, Liverpool.

Once again the IOBA Standard will be paraded.

Afterwards we walk down to the M.N. Memorial on the Pier Head,  led by a Sea Cadet Band, for a short Service and laying of wreaths.

The IOBA wreath will be laid along with many others, Merchant Navy veterans, High Commissioners and Naval Attaches from many countries linked with the Port of Liverpool, including Canada, plus the Lord Mayor of Liverpool and Mayors of the Merseyside Boroughs.

The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Peter Brennan would like to invite you to attend the Merchant Navy Day Service at ‘Our Lady and St.Nicholas Liverpool Parish Church’ on Sunday 1st September 2019.  At this service we celebrate the role of the Merchant Navy in the City of Liverpool in the past and in the present: there is more information below.

You are kindly requested to arrive at 11.30am for the service at 12 noon.  After the service the congregation will proceed to the Merchant Navy Memorial at the Pier Head. Please note this is an outdoor event. Carriages after the Act of Remembrance at approximately 1pm.

The dress code is Lounge Suit/Day Dress/Uniform/Medals

Since the year 2000 the 3rd September, or a date close to it, has been designated ‘Merchant Navy Day’.  The purpose is to celebrate and raise awareness of our dependence on our past, present and future Merchant Navy seafarers.   

The river has always been at the centre of the economy of the Liverpool region, and the Merchant Navy is part of the past and the future of the area.  Every year hundreds of people gather at Liverpool Parish Church – the Sailors’ Church – to celebrate Merchant Navy Day, followed by an Act of Remembrance at the Merchant Navy Memorial at the Pier Head.  The congregation is led by the Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside and the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, but it is important that the congregation reflects not just civic dignitaries and current/retired seafarers, but also representatives from shipping companies and others who represent the work of the Merchant Navy today.

This year the Service will take place on Sunday 1 September at 12 noon.  We are particularly encouraging those connected with shipping and the Merchant Navy in the 21st Century to get involved so that we can reflect today’s maritime community in the service.

Please come and support our seafarers by participating in the Service in September.


MN Medal awarded to Capt.Joe Earl M.N.M (Indefatigable 1956/57)

Capt.J.S.Earl M.N.M

Long over due, The IOBA is recognising the Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service awarded to Captain Joe Earl M.N.M (Indefatigable 1956/57).

Awarded in 2009 – Capt. Joe receives the ‘Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service’ from the former First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Alan West, GCB, DSC, PC.

The Merchant Navy Medal <2016

The original Medal was rhodium-plated cupro-nickel and rounded in shape. On its obverse side was a profile portrait of Admiral Lord Nelson inscribed with THE MERCHANT NAVY MEDAL around the top and 1805 TRAFALGAR 2005 around the bottom. The reverse face features the Merchant Navy logo and the inscription reads FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE.

The ribbon, bordered in gold, was vertical striped red, white and green to represent the traditional colours of the Merchant Navy (which depict the port, masthead and starboard navigation lights of a ship). The name of the recipient was inscribed along the outer edge. Miniatures were also available to recipients. Those medals awarded for courage afloat had, in addition, a small silver anchor attached to the ribbon. This medal was superseded by a State Award: the Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service in 2016.

The Merchant Navy Medal Recipients 2009

To celebrate meritorious service and acts of courage afloat by British merchant seafarers and members of the UK fishing fleets.  Announced Trafalgar Day October 21st, 2009 – Investiture 30th November 2009: Capt. J.S. Earl for services to merchant shipping and to the Bristol Branch of the Merchant Navy Association.

A proud man, wearing his ‘Indefatigable Ships Crest’ on behalf of us!

Wikipedia link to: Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service

The Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service is a state award in the within the British honours system. The medal is awarded to no more than 20 recipients annually with the awards being announced on Merchant Navy Day, 3 September. The medal was originally awarded by the Merchant Navy Welfare Board 2005-2015 before being superseded by the state award.

Please take time out to click and read Capt. Joe’s Web Pages of MEMOIRS & VERSE;




Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

© 2018

IOBA 2018 Reunion Photos

IOBA 2018 Reunion Photos (Some not all – Courtesy of FaceBook)




The Indefatigable Commemorative Coin/Medal

The Indefatigable Commemorative Coin/Medal

With donations being made to the Indefatigable Old Boys Association, this beautiful commemorative Coin/Medal celebrates those of us who served and went to the Indefatigable Training Ship & School between 1864 – 1995.  This antique brass or antique nickel-plated piece features a synopsis of the Training Ship service from an actual 1912 Indefatigable Bible on the obverse.

The reverse displays an intricate design that Captain Joe Earl (IOBA member) gave me an idea of from his own ‘Indefatigable Medal’ from 1957, where these medals were given out as prizes issued for the Top Class or as individual prizes such as Swimming, Seamanship on Prize Day

Available via the IOBA online shop (after the 2018 IOBA Reunion), you will be helping to raise funds and awareness of the IOBA which we are privileged to be supporting.


Cost: £16:00 each Coin & Presentation Box + P&P.

Diameter: 45mm x45mm.

Plating & Finish: Antique Brass or Antique Nickel (on Zinc alloy with soft enamel).

Edition Limit: For now there are only 250 made.

x250 IOBA Presentation Boxes, with
x125 Antique Brass ‘bevelled edge’ coins with navy ensign.
x125 Antique Nickel ‘bevelled edge’ coins with navy ensign.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)




Link: 20180415-IOBA Constitution Review-Final 2018

Richard Lawson (85/88)

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA): General Secretary

© 2018


T.S. Intrepid – Cheshunt SCC Photo Diary

T.S. Intrepid – Cheshunt SCC Photo Diary 01-June-2018

Indefatigable Old Boys, attend the following event and ceremony.


T.S. INTREPID – CHESHUNT SCC SEA CADET CORPS – Win the 12th Indefatigable Trophy.

It gives us the greatest pleasure to congratulate ‘T.S. Intrepid – Cheshunt SCC’ on being awarded the Indefatigable Cup for 2017 (awarded 2018).

Friday 1st June 2018: On Friday evening the TS Indefatigable Cup was presented to Cheshunt Sea Cadets for being the most improved Sea Cadet Unit in the country.

The evening was attended by: The Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, Vice Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, The Mayor of Broxbourne, The Indefatigable Old Boys’ Association, Captain of the Sea Cadets, London Area Sea Cadets Area Officer, Senior Staff Officer (London) and London Northern District Sea Cadets District Officer.

IOBA Chairman (Andrew Butler 77/78) made a very special presentation to A/PO (SCC) Matthew Tregoning Commanding Officer of ‘T.S. INTREPID the ‘Indefatigable Cup‘, known once as the ‘Merseyside Navy League – Swimming Gala Trophy’, and a monetary award on behalf of the IOBA.

Link: SCC Presentation Speech_Friday 1st June 2018

Other IOBA attendees: Bill O’Leary 74/76: IOBA Honorary Member, Tom Keyes 63/64: IOBA Treasurer & Membership Secretary & Steve Humphries (now short bearded!) 75/76: IOBA Vice Chairman & Archives.

Link: Photos courtsey of AW Photography – COPYRIGHT Amanda Ward.

Here is a selection of photos from the evening;

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)





IOBA 2017 Newsletter

It is a sad fact that since its closure in 1995 the Indefatigable as we know it is no more. However, you can help keep the memories and all that the school stood for alive by joining the Indefatigable Old Boys Association.

Membership stands at 250 (Dec 2017), a tiny percentage of the number of boys who benefited from her. So please get involved and join up.

  • 250 Members @ 31st December 2017
  • 170 Paying members (68%)
  • 53 Life Members (21%)
  • 26 Honorary Members (10%)
  • 29 Overseas Members 12% (out of UK)
  • 10 Members joined last year

To pay your membership subscription, please click on this LINK :

The 2017 IOBA Newsletter has been made available for all, six months after MEMBERS have received their hard-copy.

Please find below the LINK in PDF. This is as close to the printed hard-copy down sized to 939 KB.

IOBA 2017 Newsletter please click on this LINK to download to your;

Smart Phone/PC/Laptop : 2017 Final Version



Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)









General Data Protection Regulations – Indefatigable Old Boy’s Association

The law relating to Data Protection changed on 25th May 2018 with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR.  The privacy notice attached summarises the ways in which the Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA) manage the information that we hold about you, how we use it and your rights in relation to it.

Chick on link below to upload document;

20180529-IOBA GDPR Notice-Final

Kind Regards,

IOBA Committee



Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

T.S. Intrepid – Cheshunt SCC win the 12th Indefatigable Trophy.

T.S. Intrepid – Cheshunt SCC win the 12th Indefatigable Trophy.

Indefatigable Old Boys, are invited to attend the following event and ceremony.


  T.S. INTREPID – CHESHUNT SCC SEA CADET CORPS – Win the 12th Indefatigable Trophy.

It gives us the greatest pleasure to congratulate ‘T.S. Intrepid – Cheshunt SCC’ on being awarded the Indefatigable Cup for 2017 (awarded 2018).

For SCC Unit HEAD-COUNT:  Please indicate to me (Steve Humphries) if you wish to attend this event <>.

Venue: Rowlands Hut, Rowlands Fields, Cheshunt, EN8 9BG

Date: Confirmed Friday 1st June 2018.

Time: Arrive at 18:30 – In time to carry out formal parade and Inspection for 19:15. till approx. 22:00 (times TBC).

Dress Code: Mess Uniform / Suit.

IOBA Chairman (Andrew Butler 77/78) will be traveling to the Unit to make this very special presentation on behalf of you, to A/PO (SCC) Matthew Tregoning Commanding Officer of ‘T.S. INTREPID the ‘Indefatigable Cup’, known once as the ‘Merseyside Navy League – Swimming Gala Trophy’, and a monetary award on behalf of the IOBA.

The Unit made sustained progress throughout last year 2017, with an effective training programme and the taking part of District and Area events. This has required huge effort and commitment and they thoroughly deserve the award.

The Sea Cadet unit was awarded a Burgee by the Captain of the Sea Cadet Corps ‘Captain Phil Russell RN’,  the Burgee is the highest award that can be awarded to a Sea Cadet Corps Unit in recognition of the hard work of the Volunteers, Cadets and UMC.

Citation:  Cheshunt Unit has endured hard times in recent years, losing their unit HQ a few years ago, which resulted in them having to relocate three times to temporary locations before securing their current base. They had moved away from their “home” community, losing not only the HQ they had been in for many years, but also the loss of staff and cadets who all came from the local community. The Commanding Officer at the time worked tirelessly with the UMT to find new premises back within Cheshunt, but with little luck. The endless work and worry resulted in the CO having to step down due to health, with the new CO frequently not able to attend the unit, leaving a young and inexperienced PO to try to run things. With little adult help, few cadets and just a very small committee, the best they were able to do was keep the two or three cadets reasonably engaged on a parade night. Attendance at anything outside of the unit was nil, and the unit seemed set to close.The CO soon realised that he would be unable to lead them out of their predicament, and handed over to PO Matthew Tregoning a year ago. This young PO stepped up to the challenge and quickly set about rebuilding the unit’s compliment whilst developing his own skills. After approximately two years parading in a delapidated church hall, the unit was notified they would have to relocate again due the redevelopment of the church site. They secured a new HQ in a Scout Hall in Cheshunt which has the benefit of a large playground behind the unit, and cheap, fully fit for purpose premises with some security, allowing this new CO and a previously appointed Unit Chair to begin to rebuild. Cheshunt unit is now back! They are visible at competitions and events and across the community, which is not only pleasing to see but a testament to Matthew and the small team and the work that they have done in rebuilding.Cheshunt’s cadet numbers are now healthy and stable at maximum capacity. The cadets have an exciting and engaging programme of experiences and they are working on a plan to recruit more adult volunteers to give cadets the best cadet experience possible.In 2016, before Petty Officer Tregoning took command, Cheshunt’s UR score was 46. 2017 saw the RNP score increase to 69, the largest increase in score in the area. The unit was awarded its first pennant for many years, as well as a CSC Commendation – just reward for the dedication and hard work that the staff, committee and cadets have put in over the year to improve TS Intrepid. From near closure to commendation in little over a year – I believe that this is a worthy nomination. Winning this award will give all at Cheshunt Unit the recognition they rightly deserve.



Affiliated to: HMS Intrepid



Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

© 2018

IOBA attends Merchant Navy Day 2017 – Liverpool

IOBA attends Merchant Navy Day 2017 – Liverpool

IOBA at MN Day Sept 4th 2016 (6)The annual Merchant Navy Day service was held in Liverpool Parish Church on 3rd Sept 2017, this was followed by the procession over to the Pier Head to the Merchant Navy Memorial where a short ceremony took place and wreaths were laid.

John Farrell 49/50 laid the IOBA wreath on behalf of all and past Indefatigable Cadets & School Staff.

John Aspinall 59/60 was the IOBA Standard Bearer.

VIDEO: Merchant Navy Day Service and Wreath Laying Ceremony, Liverpool 2017

Merchant Navy Day is the annual celebration of the British Merchant Navy, with the memorial service held for the 36,000 seafarers who died at sea in the Second World War.

The service was attended by diplomatic representatives of Britain’s allies during the war, who paid homage to their own considerable losses of merchant seafarers serving in British ships.

Wreaths were laid by, among others,  the Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA), Merchant Navy veterans, High Commissioners and naval attaches from many countries linked with the Port of Liverpool, including the Royal Navy, Canadian Navy & Australian Navy.

VIPs included: Among the civic dignitaries attending was the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Malcolm Kennedy, The Rt Revd Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool & The Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside, Dame Lorna Muirhead DCVO DBE.

IOBA members on the day were; Pamela Brown MBE MStJ JP DL MNM (Honorary IOBA Member),  Pat Moran (Honorary IOBA Member),  John Farrell 49/50,  Russell Jones 55/56,  John Aspinall 59/60 & Val Aspinall,  Marc Hardman 1961,  Tom Keyes 63/64 &  Steve Humphries 75/76.

Represented on the day: Liverpool Retired Merchant Seafarers, Vindicatrix Association, Merchant Navy Association(Wirral), Blue Funnel Association, Friends of Conway, Indefatigable OBA, Anchorage Club, War Widows of Great Britain, Liverpool Seafarers Centre, Nautilus, Mariners Park, Derbyshire Families Association, Sailors Society, Merseyside Master Mariners, Port Sunlight Sea Dogs, Sea Cadet Units TS Conway, TS Starling and Maritime Cadets & Liverpool Welsh Choral.

IOBA 2016 Newsletter

2016 IOBA Newsletter Front Cover

The 2016 IOBA Newsletter has been made available for all, six months after MEMBERS have received thier hard-copy.

It is a sad fact that since its closure in 1995 the Indefatigable as we know it is no more. However, you can help keep the memories and all that the school stood for alive by joining the Indefatigable Old Boys Association.

Membership stands at 251 (May 2017), a tiny percentage of the number of boys who benefited from her. So please get involved and join up.

To pay your membership subscription, please click on this LINK :

Please find below the LINK in PDF. This is as close to the printed hard-copy sized down from 6.5Mb to ~1Mb.

IOBA 2016 Newsletter please click on this LINK to download : 2016 FINAL VERSION


 © 2017

Spencer Bell (1958) former Chairman of the IOBA awarded The Queens Commendation for Bravery.

The late Spencer Bell (1958) former Chairman of the IOBAThe late Spencer Bell (1958) former Chairman of the IOBA.

Wendy Bell: ‘I have been keeping a secret for a good number of weeks, from everyone. Family included, as I was asked not to share and keep things strictly confidential.

Today (17th June 2017) in the Queens Honours list. Spencer has been awarded The Queens Commendation for Bravery.

This is very bittersweet, as I am, and always have been, immensely proud of him. But I would give up everything I have to see him walk through the door again.

I have to thank Neil who has worked so much for this and also our MP Oliver Dowden who supported Neil through the process.

Now I have to wait for when it will be presented. I will accept it for this act and the many others acts of bravery, when he risked his life, as a Police Officer for 31 years.

Thank you Darling for filling my life with Love, Happiness, Joy and laughter, for 41 years, I do it all for you.’


Please see link below;

Dedication to: Spencer Bell 1958. The Carnegie Trust Hero Award

 © 2017


IOBA 2017 Reunion Presentations & Reunion Photos

Bill O'Leary 74_76 10 year 2006_2016 IOBA Chairmainship Presentation 2017e - Copy











Bill O’Leary 74/76

Newly promoted 08/01/2018: Major General WJ O’Leary QVRM TD DL VR.

IOBA Chairman’s Presentation:

Dear Andrew (IOBA Chairman),

Steve Humphries (IOBA Vice Chairman) on his return from the reunion weekend (10/June/2017) and passed to me the absolutely beautifully engraved lantern which you had commissioned for me.

I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the Association in doing this and thank you all most sincerely for this kind gesture.

It was a wonderful privilege being the Chairman for 10 years I know you will feel the same for at least the next decade!

I missed you all greatly this weekend, Anita will tell you I was like a lost soul recounting by the hour what you would be doing at each stage of the weekend.

I hear it was a great success, very well done to you all.

Again, a huge thank you for this wonderful presentation, it is greatly appreciated.

Yours ever

Major General WJ O’Leary QVRM TD DL VR


Secretarys Presentation












Steve Humphries 75/76.

IOBA Secretary’s Presentation:

Steve Humphries (IOBA Vice Chairman & Archives Secretary) was presented the above ‘In appreciation of His outstanding Service as Secretary of the Indefatigable Old Boys Association’ for 17 years.


IOBA Reunion 2017 Photos:

IOBA Reunion 2017 (27) IOBA Reunion 2017 (26) IOBA Reunion 2017 (25) IOBA Reunion 2017 (24) IOBA Reunion 2017 (23) IOBA Reunion 2017 (22) IOBA Reunion 2017 (21) IOBA Reunion 2017 (20) IOBA Reunion 2017 (19) IOBA Reunion 2017 (18) IOBA Reunion 2017 (17) IOBA Reunion 2017 (16) IOBA Reunion 2017 (15) IOBA Reunion 2017 (14) IOBA Reunion 2017 (13)  IOBA Reunion 2017 (10) IOBA Reunion 2017 (9) IOBA Reunion 2017 (8) IOBA Reunion 2017 (7) IOBA Reunion 2017 (6) IOBA Reunion 2017 (5) IOBA Reunion 2017 (4)  IOBA Reunion 2017 (1) Adam Meacham that's better than those bloody mackerels

 © 2017

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